Splash Life Booking Services

Touring and Events
Talent Booking
We are equipped to book a wide variety talent for all occasions. Our celebrity talents spans music and entertainment, professional sports, film and TV, influencers, and public figures.
Talent Placement
With over a decade of experience, SLB has helped plan, book, and organize some of music ‘s most notable tour runs including “Lil Wayne Sorry 4 the Wait 2 Tour”.
Talent Management
With over a decade of experience, Splash Life Booking has helped manage several of Hip-Hop’s most notable tours including “Kevin Gates I’m Him Tour”.
Event Production
From concert equipment, festival production, staging, lighting, A/V rentals, DJs, and private gatherings Splash Life can provide you top quality services for your special occasion.
Marketing and Branding
PR + Promotions
With 2 decades of talent and event marketing allow splash life to provide your brand, your talent or your special event with top tier marketing and PR services.
Social Brand Management
Splash Life Booking can help you strategically execute your vision and manage your brand on and offline.
Brand Activations
Splash Life can align your company with today’s most popular brands and talent and activate your business to a higher status.
Brand Promotions
Take your brand to the next level by connecting with Splash Life’s most effective outlets to properly promote your business in various capacities. Allow SLB to build strategic marketing plans both digital & physical targeted specifically for your audience demographic.
Video Production
Splash Life’s team of highly-skilled cinematographers, editors, and directors are here to bring your vision to reality.
Brand Consulting
Consult with highly trained professionals to plan strategic campaigns that help your brand elevate.